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assert = require 'assert'
ns     = require './ns'
url    = require 'url'

{Socket} = require 'net'
{Stream} = require 'stream'
{debug}  = require './util'

A Client establishes a connection to a worker process.

It takes a port and host or a UNIX socket path.

Its API is similar to http.Client.

var conn = client.createConnection('/tmp/nack.sock');
var request = conn.request('GET', '/', {'host', 'localhost'});
request.on('response', function (response) {
  console.log('STATUS: ' + response.statusCode);
  console.log('HEADERS: ' + JSON.stringify(response.headers));
  response.on('data', function (chunk) {
    console.log('BODY: ' + chunk);
exports.Client = class Client extends Socket
  constructor: ->

    debug "client created"

Initialize outgoing array to hold pending requests

    @_outgoing = []

Incoming is used to point to the current response

    @_incoming = null

    self = this

Once we've made the connect, process the next request

    @on 'connect', -> self._processRequest()

Finalize the request on close

    @on 'close', -> self._finishRequest()

Initialize the response netstring parser


  _initResponseParser: ->
    self = this

Initialize a Netstring stream parser

    nsStream = new ns.Stream this

Listen for data and hand it to our parser

    nsStream.on 'data', (data) ->
      if self._incoming
        self._incoming._receiveData data

Bubble any errors

    nsStream.on 'error', (exception) ->
      self._incoming = null
      self.emit 'error', exception

  _processRequest: ->

Process the request now if the socket is open and we aren't already handling a response

    if @readyState is 'open' and !@_incoming
      if request = @_outgoing[0]
        debug "processing outgoing request 1/#{@_outgoing.length}"

        @_incoming = new ClientResponse this, request

Flush the request buffer into socket

        request.assignSocket @

Try to reconnect and try again soon


  _finishRequest: ->
    debug "finishing request"

    request = @_outgoing.shift()
    request.detachSocket @

    res = @_incoming
    @_incoming = null

    if res is null or res.received is false
      @emit 'error', new Error "Response was not received"
    else if res.completed is false and res.readable is true
      @emit 'error', new Error "Response was not completed"

Anymore requests, continue processing

    if @_outgoing.length > 0

Reconnect if the connection is closed.

  reconnect: ->
    if @readyState is 'closed'
      debug "connecting to #{@port}"
      @connect @port, @host

Start the connection and create a ClientRequest.

  request: (args...) ->
    request = new ClientRequest args...
    @_outgoing.push request

Proxy a http.ServerRequest and http.serverResponse between the Client.

  proxyRequest: (serverRequest, serverResponse, metaVariables = {}) ->
    metaVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] ?= serverRequest.connection.remoteAddress
    metaVariables["REMOTE_PORT"] ?= serverRequest.connection.remotePort

    clientRequest = @request serverRequest.method, serverRequest.url, serverRequest.headers, metaVariables

    serverRequest.on 'data', (data) -> clientRequest.write data
    serverRequest.on 'end', -> clientRequest.end()
    serverRequest.on 'error', -> clientRequest.end()
    clientRequest.on 'error', -> serverRequest.destroy()

    clientRequest.on 'response', (clientResponse) ->
      serverResponse.writeHead clientResponse.statusCode, clientResponse.headers
      clientResponse.pipe serverResponse


Public API for creating a Client

exports.createConnection = (port, host) ->
  client = new Client
  client.port = port
  client.host = host

Empty netstring signals EOF

END_OF_FILE = ns.nsWrite ""

A ClientRequest is returned when Client.request() is called.

It is a Writable Stream and responds to the conventional write and end methods.

Its also an EventEmitter with the following events:

Event 'response'

function (response) { }

Emitted when a response is received to this request. This event is emitted only once. The response argument will be an instance of ClientResponse.

exports.ClientRequest = class ClientRequest extends Stream
  constructor: (@method, @path, headers, metaVariables) ->
    debug "requesting #{@method} #{@path}"

    @writeable = true

Initialize writeQueue since socket is still connecting net.Stream will buffer on connecting in node 0.3.x

    @_writeQueue = []

Build an @env obj from headers and metaVariables

    @_parseEnv headers, metaVariables

Then write it to the socket

    @write JSON.stringify @env

  _parseEnv: (headers, metaVariables) ->
    @env = {}


    @env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = @method

Parse the request path an assign its parts to the env

    {pathname, query} = url.parse @path
    @env['PATH_INFO']    = pathname
    @env['QUERY_STRING'] = query
    @env['SCRIPT_NAME']  = ""

Initialize REMOTE_ADDR and SERVER_ADDR to "" They can be overridden by metaVariables

    @env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ""
    @env['SERVER_ADDR'] = ""

Parse the HTTP_HOST header and set SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT

    if host = headers.host
      if {name, port} = headers.host.split ':'
        @env['SERVER_NAME'] = name
        @env['SERVER_PORT'] = port

    for key, value of headers

Upcase all header key values

      key = key.toUpperCase().replace /-/g, '_'

Prepend HTTP_ to them

      key = "HTTP_#{key}" unless key == 'CONTENT_TYPE' or key == 'CONTENT_LENGTH'

And merge them into the @env obj

      @env[key] = value

Merge all metaVariables into the @env obj

    for key, value of metaVariables
      @env[key] = value

  assignSocket: (socket) ->
    debug "socket assigned, flushing request"
    @socket = @connection = socket

  detachSocket: (socket) ->
    @writeable = false
    @socket = @connection = null

Write chunk to client

  write: (chunk, encoding) ->

Netstring encode chunk

    nsChunk = ns.nsWrite chunk, 0, chunk.length, null, 0, encoding

    if @_writeQueue
      debug "queueing #{nsChunk.length} bytes"
      @_writeQueue.push nsChunk

Return false because data was buffered

    else if @connection
      debug "writing #{nsChunk.length} bytes"
      @connection.write nsChunk

Closes writting socket.

  end: (chunk, encoding) ->
    if (chunk)
      @write chunk, encoding

    flushed = if @_writeQueue
      debug "queueing close"
      @_writeQueue.push END_OF_FILE

Return false because data was buffered

    else if @connection
      debug "closing connection"
      @connection.end END_OF_FILE

    @detachSocket @socket


  destroy: ->
    @detachSocket @socket

  _flush: ->
    while @_writeQueue and @_writeQueue.length
      data = @_writeQueue.shift()

Close write socket when we see an empty netstring 0:,

      if data is END_OF_FILE
        @socket.end data
        debug "flushing #{data.length} bytes"
        @socket.write data

Clear queue, remaining writes won't buffer

    @_writeQueue = null

Buffer is empty, let the world know!

    @emit 'drain'


A ClientResponse is emitted from the client request's response event.

It is a Readable Stream and emits the conventional events:

Event: 'data'

function (chunk) { }

Emitted when a piece of the message body is received.

Event: 'end'

function () { }

Emitted exactly once for each message. No arguments. After emitted no other events will be emitted on the request.

Event: 'error'

function (exception) { }

Emitted when an error occurs.

exports.ClientResponse = class ClientResponse extends Stream
  constructor: (@socket, @request) ->
    @client      = @socket
    @readable    = true
    @received    = false
    @completed   = false
    @statusCode  = null
    @httpVersion = '1.1'
    @headers     = null
    @_buffer     = null

  _receiveData: (data) ->
    debug "received #{data.length} bytes"

    return if !@readable or @completed
    @received = true

      if data.length > 0

The first response part is the status

        if !@statusCode
          @statusCode = parseInt data
          assert.ok @statusCode >= 100, "Status must be >= 100"

The second part is the JSON encoded headers

        else if !@headers
          @headers = {}

Parse the headers

          rawHeaders = JSON.parse data
          assert.ok rawHeaders, "Headers can not be null"
          assert.equal typeof rawHeaders, 'object', "Headers must be an object"

          for k, vs of rawHeaders

Split multiline Rack headers

            v = vs.split "\n"
            @headers[k] = if v.length > 0

Hack for node 0.2 headers http://github.com/ry/node/commit/6560ab9

              v.join "\r\n#{k}: "

          debug "response received: #{@statusCode}"

Emit response once we've received the status and headers

          @request.emit 'response', this

Else its body parts

        else if data.length > 0
          @emit 'data', data

Empty string means EOF

        debug "response complete"

        assert.ok @statusCode, "Missing status code"
        assert.ok @headers, "Missing headers"

        @readable  = false
        @completed = true
        @emit 'end'

    catch error

See if payload is an exception backtrace

      exception = try JSON.parse data
      if exception and exception.name and exception.message
        error       = new Error exception.message
        error.name  = exception.name
        error.stack = exception.stack

      debug "response error", error

Mark as not readable to stop parsing

      @readable = false

Catch and emit as a socket error

      @socket.emit 'error', error