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{Stream} = require 'stream'

if process.env.NODE_DEBUG and /nack/.test process.env.NODE_DEBUG
  exports.debug = (args...) -> console.error 'NACK:', args...
  exports.debug = ->

Is a given value a function?

exports.isFunction = (obj) ->
  if obj and obj.constructor and obj.call and obj.apply then true else false

Pauses Event Emitter

Hack for http.ServerRequest#pause

ry says it will be fixed soonish

exports.pause = (stream) ->
  queue = []

  onData  = (args...) -> queue.push ['data', args...]
  onEnd   = (args...) -> queue.push ['end', args...]
  onClose = -> removeListeners()

  removeListeners = ->
    stream.removeListener 'data', onData
    stream.removeListener 'end', onEnd
    stream.removeListener 'close', onClose

  stream.on 'data', onData
  stream.on 'end', onEnd
  stream.on 'close', onClose


    for args in queue
      stream.emit args...

LineBuffer wraps any readable stream and buffers data until it encounters a \n line break. It will emit data events as lines instead of arbitrarily chunked text.

stdoutLines = new LineBuffer(stdoutStream)
stdoutLines.on 'data', (line) ->
  if line.match "TO: "
    console.log line
exports.LineBuffer = class LineBuffer extends Stream
  constructor: (@stream) ->
    @readable = true
    @_buffer = ""

Buffer data and end events from @stream

    self = this
    @stream.on 'data', (args...) -> self.write args...
    @stream.on 'end',  (args...) -> self.end args...

  write: (chunk) ->

Write chunk to string buffer

    @_buffer += chunk

Check for \n in buffer

    while (index = @_buffer.indexOf("\n")) != -1
      line     = @_buffer[0...index]
      @_buffer = @_buffer[index+1...@_buffer.length]

Emit data line as a single line

      @emit 'data', line

  end: (args...) ->
    if args.length > 0
      @write args...

    @emit 'end'